የአደንጓሬ Fiber

አጭር መግለጫ:

【ማመልከቻ】የአደንጓሬ Fiber is made from the cell wall fiber and protein of the soybean cotyledon. This combination of fiber and protein gives this product excellent water absorbing and moisture migration control properties. It is widely used in any application where water absorption and binding are needed, such as light breads, rolls, machine breads, frozen doughs, refrigerated doughs, cakes and sweet goods. 

አይነት  Powder

የአደንጓሬ Fiber ላይ ጥልቅ እውቀት  market enable us source you with competitive price ex reputable Soya Fiber manufacturers. If you are looking for Soya Fiber, don’t hesitate to Email us.

የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች

ንጥሎች መስፈርቶች
ፕሮቲን (N * 6.25) DB ≤20%
የእርጥበት ይዘት ≤10%
ash ይዘት ≤6.5%
የወፍራም ይዘት ≤0.8%
የአመጋገብ ፋይበር ≥65%
PH 5.5-7.0
ፓርቲክል መጠን 80mesh
E.Coli አፍራሽ
ሳልሞኔላ አፍራሽ

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