NON-GMO Rice protein, vegetarian protein concentrate food grade natural brown rice protein

Inkcazo elifutshane:

【Isicelo】Rice ngeeProteni yi iproteni abatya ingadibani 100% non-yeMfuzo grain yonke irayisi, na into angumgubo ukuba akhiwa ukuhluzwa pulverization, purfication neyomileyo. Rice ngeeProteni Powder, yayo ukwakheka acid acid lisondele kakhulu iipateni WHO, nto leyo ngokulula ukutya

Rice ngeeProteni nguye kuphela elinye okuziinkozo protein leyo akuyomfuneko ukuba wenze ukucikideka allergen. Non-allergen, Lula digestibility eliqhibeleleyo iprotini zendalo phakathi zonke okuziinkozo, okunezakha-mzimba iprofayile acid acid, Gluten kunye lactose-free, ixabiso High begazi. Rice ngeeProteni luhlobo protein yezityalo efanelekileyo.

【Form】: Powder

【CAS No.】: 94350-05-7

【HS Code】: 35040090

Ulwazi olunzulu on  Rice ngeeProteni kwimarike kusenza ayintsusa kunye ixabiso kukhuphiswano nempahla ezikumgangatho ophezulu. Ukuba ukhangela  Rice ngeeProteni, akukho kuthandabuza ukuthumela imeyili kuthi.

Iinkcukacha Product

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Rice protein is an ideal plant based protein source to meet everything consumers want and more. our rice protein is here to meet the growing demand

for vegan, non-gmo, hypoallergenic and easily deogestible protein. it can be an ideal protein source to substitute those from diary, whey, eggs, soy

or nuts.

The first allergen-friendly organic protein source from the raw rice, available in 80% - 90% protein levels. Providing all essential amino acids, this

product is being used in food grade products as both a replacement for and in conjunction with soy protein and whey protein etc.

It can also be blended with Pea Protein which has a complimentary amino acid profile.


Who is Rice ngeeProteni Concentrate Suitable for?

Rice Protein is the ideal protein choice for anyone looking to increase daily protein intake but avoid dairy and soy protein sources or for vegans and

anyone looking to avoid specific allergens such as wheat, gluten, eggs, dairy and soy.The dietary choices of all our customers are extremely important

to us. It is suitable for the vegan diet.


• Non-GMO  • Gluten-free  • Low sodium

• Vegan/vegetarian • Can help with satiety • Allergen-friendly

• Ease of digestibility at all ages • Naturally cholesterol-free

• Building muscles and aiding exerciserecovery   • Highest quality protein among all Cereal grains



• Allergen-friendly Formulations

• Baked Goods-gluten-free products, cereals, pastas, bars (protein, weight control, snack, energy)

• Beverages-smoothies, powdered drink mixes, dairy

• Confectionery

• Cosmetics-oil free facial products

• Dietetic-weight control

• Nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals-therapeutics, detox products

• Protein substitution-soy, whey, wheat, casein, animal proteins

• Sports nutrition-bars, beverages, protein supplements, body building formulas in conjunction with or as a replacement for whey and soy



Ukucaciswa etafuleni Rice ngeeProteni

imbonakalo Ngumgubo amandla emthubi, unifority andrelex, akukho agglomeration nexoshomba, akukho imibandela angaphandle kunye ngeliso lenyama
protein (%, isiseko eyomileyo) N * 6.25 ≥80
Isiqulatho sokufuma (%) ≤8.0
isiqulatho ash (%, basis eyomileyo) ≤5.0
mafutha (%, basis eyomileyo) ≤8.0 
Ityhefu (PPM) ≤0.5
Lead (PPM) ≤0.4
Mercury (PPM) ≤0.2
Isiqalelo esithambileyo esimhlophe, (PPM) ≤0.4
Iyonke plate count (cfu / g) ≤5000
Coliforms (MPN / 100g) ≤30
Jeli kunye igwele (cfu / g) ≤25
E.Coil negative
Enterobacteriaceae negative
igciwane izifo (cfu / 25g) negative

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